Prevention and Safety Measures of COVID-19 in Hotel do Carmo
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and to avoid risks and infections, Hotel do Carmo developed anInternal Protocol which sets preventions, control and monitor procedures required to the safety of our workers and guests. We applied every measure set by the regional, national and international authorities. This information can be consulted in our website and it is available at the Hotel’s reception.
Every worker had training to carefully deal with any possibility, we created isolation spaces and specific procedures in case there is a suspected infection.
With the reopening of Hotel do Carmo, it is now mandatory the following procedures, as far as goes with guests and our workers:
Masks application: always when moving in the common areas of the hotel
Social Distancing: comply with social distancing rules
Hands Sanitization: there are disinfection dispensers at strategic points in the hotel to wash your hands frequently
Increase cleaning and disinfection: all the areas in the hotel
At the Reception:
There are two distinct doors, one only for entrance and one only to exit. There is disinfectant gel at the entrance of the hotel
Two distinct areas at the reception, one to check in and the other to check out. Also, there are acrylic wickets to help assist guests
Floor labels at the reception to keep social distancing between guests
Number of places of each lift is for a maximum of 3
Lifts are frequently cleaned, specially the most touched areas
Rooms will be assigned by first floors to avoid lifts usage
If possible, rooms with adjacent balconies will not be taken, except, if it is as room with no balcony
Rooms will only be taken 24h after every check out
Removal of all directories, papers and envelopes of all rooms
Temporary shutdown of laundry services
Restaurant and Bar
In this first stage, breakfast will only be served with reservation and time and after the table is picked by the worker
Bar service is limited
Tables must be empty and only ready when guests have taken their places
Social distancing between tables (will be closed alternately between occupied/disinfection)
During breakfast buffet every employee will serve guests and must provide individual portions
After each guest leave, tables and chair must be disinfected
Social distancing between guests (capacity down to 50%) and the space between lounge chairs must be at least 1 meter
Provide dispensers for every guest to disinfect their lounge chairs before sitting
Note: These measures may be subjected to modifications according to the disease’s evolution or new duties imposed by law. For further information, check our Protocol or consult the reception.